Cauterize - Something Beautiful
Away like the color in a blue sky
At the end of the day
Night falls, and the search begins
For something, something better than this
Scream or a cry the truth or a lie
I'm not sure they will save us this time
I don't wanna be around
When it all comes down to watch something beautiful die
You said the only way is to run away
You're sick of me so you just can't
Stick around to hear me pleadin, I'm pleadin
Does it show, I'm pathetic I know
I just cant stand here watch you go
I'm runnin after you, I'm runnin after you
Helpless cus my hands are tied
Eyelids pinned back so they're opened wide
In a theater, all alone
In the front row, to watch something beautiful die
Scream or a cry the truth or a lie
I'm not sure they will save us this time
I don't wanna be around
When it all comes down to watch something beautiful die
You say the only way is to run away
Sick of me so you just cant stick around
To hear me pleadin, I'm pleadin
Does it show, I'm pathetic I know
Just can't stand here watch you go
I'm runnin after you, I'm runnin after you
What happened to
The things that we used to do
You said its all the same
And that you needed a change
You left without good-bye
And now I'm wonderin why
I don't think I wanna know
All the things he does better
How the past just doesn't matter
You left me once, this time will be the last time
You say the only way is to run away
Sick of me so you just cant stick aournd
To hear me pleadin, I'm pleadin
Does it show, I'm pathetic I know
Just can't stand here watch you go
I'm runnin after you, I'm runnin after you
Look for the feeling that we lost
Where'd you have it last
Maybe if we retrace our steps
But we can't find the path
That led us here to where we stand
Face to face to watch this bitter end
Now something beautiful is dead
Went out late to meet up with Danny and the guys at Somerset MRT.
Guess where we ended up for dinner, Cini again. -_-
Anyway, we went to Heeren to walk around and Justin got himself a new shirt.
Then it was back to Cini for Jac to get shades then off to Sembawang for Resident Evil: Extinction.
Hell, I can't describe how psyched I was to catch that movie.
However, the ending kinda sucked.
The way the Tyrant(Antagonist) died, it was so cheesy, corny and simple.
I expected Alice to kick his ass around a bit more or shoot him or something.
But she just used her psychokinetic abilities to push him around like once.
Apparently the Tyrant has psychokinetic abilities too, so it was like something from a Harry Potter film.
Anyway, I think an Alice with psychokinetic abilities just spoils it.
She didn't even do as much whacking and hacking and pwnage of zombie shit as compared to the first two films.
Joel and I were conferring throughout the entire movie about what we expected would happen next and how the plot was.
It turns out he's an avid Resident Evil fan as well, like father like son?
All in all, I enjoyed the movie, cept for the ending.
Aww heck, I'd pay $10 anyday to see Milla Jovovitch on screen for 90minutes.
Pray there'll be a 4th film or a spinoff or something.
Went for Macs after the movie, then Danny's house to chill/stayover.
I logged in to Maple to delete people off my buddylist, aka those who deleted me.
Actually I've been hoping that those who deleted me'd tell me, so (like Rae says) I can return the favour.
But noone has.
I mean, of course it'd be weird to msn me, "Hey, I've deleted you off my blist" but I just wanna know if you've deleted me or not.
Curiousity kills the cat?
FYP tomorrow after school.
Oh yeah, just an extra note.
I feel that this blog's become too public for my liking so I'm taking my thoughts, dreams, fears and writings elsewhere.
If you still read this crap and want to continue reading it, ask me for the address.
But I may not give it to you.
Depends on who's asking and my mood at present.
Last post here, over and out.
Its 11.30pm and I've just gotten home from our first the first 100% FCC outing that we've had in a long long time.
Met Feli, Lena and Sze at Gardens's Sushi Tei and I had some ramen.
Salty eh =/
Laughed alot then we went to Coffee Bean to sit down and listen to 3 guys playing songs on their guitars and bass.
Ant and Jan came and we shifted over to Cartel so they could eat.
Chatted, caught up with one another's lives, and had a barrel of laughs.
Man its good to be able to see everyone again, even though it was only for a little while.
Feli left first then Sze had to go also so we all went off.
Jan and I hitched a ride home with Ant.
Thanks for the lift home Pantia!
I can so imagine you chasing after a random tailgater with a baseball bat, yelling at him not to drive so close to the other car.
FCC, hope we get to do it more often. I really missed you guys. (:Jenny and her cool phone.
Lena and her fake smile.
Sze, Feli and Ant. (:
Think Feli took this. Looks like Lena had an idea. Hahahha..
I got this off Jenny's blog.
Sorry for stealing Jan, but I just felt it just really hit the spot with what I'm going through now.
Only the piano accompanies me throughout the day
The sleeping cello
Quiet and so old
I think you've made yourself clear
I know and I'm sure
You don't regret
You say you're upset too, that I don't believe
You being with me was in the past
I hope he loves you more than I do
Only then will I bring myself to leave
You want me to say it, but it is awkward
I don't even want to break up
Why must I depend on a smile to tide me through?
I don't have the ability
To accept both you and him
Don't worry too much
I'll still be fine
You've already gone far away
And I will slowly walk away
Why is it that I have to accommodate you even when we break up?
I really don't have the ability
Staying silent doesn't come so fast
I will learn to give you up
Because I love you so much
Goodnight to some of the people I treasure most in this world.
Sweet dreams.
Anyone wants to go with? =/
Pleaseeeeeee? ><
In the brightest hour, of my darkest day
I realized what is wrong with me
Can't get over you
Can't get through to you
It's been a helter-skelter
Romance from the start
Take these memories that are haunting me
Of a paper man cut into shreds
By his own pair of scissors
He'll never forgive her
He'll never forgive her
Okay, its time for a proper update, no more emo crap shitfuck. (:
After school on Friday, Shikin and I went to donate blood to Dean/Buk/CS/Leonard for their FYP diabeties testing thing.
Then Shikin brought me to take the bus from Woodlands to Bukit Panjang and we hung around at Bukit Panjang Plaza for awhile before I took another bus down to Choa Chu Kang to pick up Cole from the vet's.
Cabbed home and slacked around for awhile before heading down to Pasir Ris, Downtown East.
Went up to the room at block G, there were only a few folks there cause the rest went out to buy bbq food.
Friday night was a bit dull cause we didn't have any activities planned but once we started playing blackjack, it got intereseting cause the loser had to drink cups of water.
I drank 6 cups in succession before I called it quits.
Justin got worse, 16 cups altogether.
Oh, we also defrosted and marinated the chicken, I've never done it before.
We played cards till God knows when, there was a bottle of beer going round, then I headed home around 6.30am with Rene and Gigi.
Slept till 12+ then came online and did rubbish then went back to the chalet with Rene.
They were watching some comedy/horror show when we arrived so we joined in.
Stupid show really, its either not that scary or I'm gaining nerves.
After the show it was bbq prep time.
Brought down the food and drinks and got a fire going.
Joel brought his acoustic so we were playing around with it, wasted my time bringing my own classical.
I spent the earlier part of the night with the guitar, then with the bbq pit and tongs, and finally, with a bottle of beer.
Fen got drunk and emoed pretty badly.
Everyone went up to shower and stuff around 11, but Will, Gigi, Rene, Jac, Joel, and I were left downstairs.
I got a little high at first on the beer, then I started emo-bbqing.
Jac saw me and came over to help out.
We slowly bbqed the remaining food while chatting about Maple and everything else.
We laughed at the funny things and I emoed abit while I remembered.
Joel told me quite a bit of stuff about Lina that I didn't know before, it was enlightening.
We packed and went up at 1+am and slacked around, waiting for everyone to finish showering so we could watch the second horror movie.
The second one sucked so badly that I fell asleep lah.
Super boring storyline, pathetic attempts at creating ghosts.
There were too many people in the room and not enough places to sleep in so we played 'Murderer', our standard stayover game, till daybreak and I headed home.
All in all, Xiang, Guin, Danny, Boye, Will, Jac, Fen, Xin, Gigi, Rene, Justin, Bev, Joel, Nic, Daph, Wenjie, Wee, Kk, Charcoal, Daniel, Strstr, Egg, Shiroi, and a couple more people went.
Went for the HRSS AGM in the afternoon at Wee Heng's.
Ade brought a dying bunny. Damn sad.
The poor girl has lung problems, she hadn't been eating for 4 days and was just.. waiting for her time to go.
Ade didn't want her to die alone so she brought the girl along.
Even though she was dying, that little one was so hyper and still wanted to run around even though she didn't have the energy to.
It was sad watching her try.
Came home after AGM, had dinner, emoed abit, and went to sleep.
School on Monday was pretty okay, went for a talk with Leo, Kwei Lin, KC, Derek, Jolvin, and Derek's girlfriend after school.
Forgot to do my RJ and evauations and crap.
Skipped school on Tuesday cause I couldn't get up.
Stayed home, watched the first Pokemon Movie, slacked, downloaded music.
No FYP today, played my guitar, watched videos, read facficts.
One of the videos I watched. Misty got h-o-t. =3
Sidenote: I thought I had clean forgotten about the day we met, but it turns out, a part of my subconscious remembered cause I posted your favourite song last month, on the day we got togeher. The mind works in mysterious ways doesn't it?
AntCharFeliJanLenaSze. It'd be just like old times.
The chalet/bbq summary will have to wait.
I'm feeling really emo now.
Is this really happening to me
Or am I still asleep
Are you just a figment
Of my, imagination
Could this be real,
Or is it just a fantasy
Its been so long,
That I have to tell you this
I've been waiting for so long
For you to come and be with me and
I say I'll be true to you and
To the one who gave you to me
I've been waiting for so long
For you to come and be with me and
I say I'll be true to you and
To the one who gave you to me
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% of plepoe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Just had a dinner of cold LJS and I think I'm going to sleep now.
Too tired to update bout the chalet and bbq stuff, I'll do it tomorrow.
Just realised that I've been walking around with my pants unzipped.
My emo song for this moment.
I miss.. I miss..
I wonder, wonder if you miss..
Oh well, I'll keep it all to myself for now.
Some things are best left unsaid. (:
Lene Marlin - Wish I Could
I thought I did everything right
I thought I treated you,
The best way I know how
But where do I find myself now
Where do I find myself now
I look around,
And my friend you're gone,
What did I do wrong
I wish I could say that if you change you're mind I'm here
That if you call for me, I'm there
if you're hurting, I'll run fast, forget about the past
I'll be right by your side,
Be right by your side
I thought you cared for real
I thought that I was good to you,
And made you smile a lot
But this is what I've got
But this is what I've got
I look around,
And my friend you are gone,
I guess you've been for long
I wish I could say that if you change you're mind I'm here
That if you call for me, I'm there
If you're hurting, I'll run fast, forget about the past
I'll be right by your side,
I'll be right by your side
Where do I find myself now,
Where do I find myself now
I wish I could say that if you change you're mind I'm here
That if you call for me, I'm there
If you're hurting, I'll run fast, forget about the past
I'll be right by your side,
I wish I could say that if you change you're mind I'm here
That if you call for me, I'm there
If you're hurting, I'll run fast, forget about the past
I'll be right by your side
// Animal Concerns Research & Education Society //
// Action for Singapore Dogs //
// Agri-food & Veterinary Authority //
// Animal Lovers League //
// Cat Welfare Society //
// DogX Club //
// House Rabbit Society Singapore //
// Metta Cats //
// Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Singapore) //